President Trump Appoints AADMD’s Dr. Rick Rader to National Council on Disability

In a White House press release on Tuesday, President Trump announced his intent to nominate and appoint individuals to key administration posts — including AADMD’s very own External Affairs Ambassador Rick Rader, MD.

Upon Dr. Rader’s appointment to the National Council on Disability, the AADMD interviewed him and asked the following questions.

AADMD: How do feel about being appointed?

Dr. Rader: "It is a great honor and opportunity to be invited to contribute to the goals and mission of the NCD. They have demonstrated their commitment to improving the lives of individuals with disabilities and they have been able to dramatically move the needle towards that end. It is especially significant to have been appointed during the 30th anniversary of the ADA."

AADMD: What does this mean for AADMD? 

Dr. Rader: "Since its inception the AADMD has been promoting the goals and mission of the NCD in the arena of healthcare for people with disabilities across the lifespan. I believe the AADMD has always collaborated with the NCD in helping to identify healthcare disparities and inequities for undeserved populations."

AADMD: What would you like to see accomplished during your time on the council? 

Dr. Rader: "As a physician my goals lie in the assurance that people with disabilities have access to competent, collaborative and comprehensive healthcare at all crossroads and at all stages of their lives."


Rick Rader, MD is the Director of the Habilitation Center at the Orange Grove Center in Chattanooga, TN. He is also the editor-in-chief of Exceptional Parent Magazine and has published over 300 article in the field. He is Past President of AADMD (2006-2008), served as VP of Public Policy and Advocacy and is currently AADMD’s External Affairs Ambassador.

Dr. Rader serves on the Board of the American Association on Health and Disability, the Medical Advisory Committee at Special Olympics International and is the Medical Adviser at the National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals. Dr. Rader is a member of the Steering Committee at the National Task Group on Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia Practices and is an adjunct professor of Human Development at the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga.


For more information on this appointment or for further queries, please contact us.
